Tokyopop moving ahead with Lament of the Lamb live action

Tokyopop founder Stuart “DJ Milky” Levy is pushing ahead with his plans to produce live action, English language movies based on a number of his company’s most popular manga series.

First in line seems to be ‘Love Like Blood’, which is said to be based on the incestuous vampire manga ‘Lament of the Lamb‘, but if that is the case, Tokyopop have taken predictable liberties with the source material; essentially, the two main characters are no longer siblings. The movie, which should be around 120-minutes in length and financed with a budget of little more than $6 million, is also intended to be presented in theaters as 3-D, while the director will be Takahiko Akiyama, whose main claim to fame appears to be that he worked on the visual effects for 2001’s Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. No release date has been set, but you can read more about the movie at The Hollywood Reporter.


Washed up on the good shores of Anime UK News after many a year at sea, Paul has been writing about anime for a long time here at AUKN and at his anime blog.

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