Manga apologise for DVD fiasco; Bleach DVD proper subtitles

Earlier this summer, Manga Ent. UK stopped releasing both Noein and Tokko right before their final DVD volumes were due out and, much to the disgust of many loyal customers, decided to release full series box sets instead, essentially short changing all of the UK fans who were patiently collecting these shows one volume at a time. However, today we received a press release from Manga Ent. UK explaining that fans still wanting to complete their collections of Noein and Tokko should directly e-mail the company (specific details and addresses in press release) with regards to their special “replacement strategy “.

In related Manga Ent. news, we also received a press release (including DVD cover art) from them concerning their 5th November DVD release of the ever popular action series Bleach. We have been assured that (unlike Naruto) “Bleach will be featuring subtitles not dubtitles.


Washed up on the good shores of Anime UK News after many a year at sea, Paul has been writing about anime for a long time here at AUKN and at his anime blog.

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