Director for Dragonball movie? And first image of AstroBoy
Paul •
News and rumors concerning the ever increasing list of supposed anime and manga adaptations continue to bubble under the surface.
- Many will be interested in the apparent scoop over at “Chud“, who claim to have news on the upcoming live-action Dragonball movie. The director is said to be James Wong of “Final Destination” fame, while Chud’s published casting descriptions appear to suggest that this probably won’t be a faithful adaptation of Akira Toriyama’s original story and will be kicking off with Dragonball era characters, not Dragonball Z.
- Also, the first image snapped of Imagi’s CG-flick “Astro Boy” has been posted online. Based on the most famous story from renowned manga-ka Osamu Tezuka and scheduled for release in 2009, the movie will be directed by former Pixar employee Colin Brady.