Pick up a free copy of highly rated UK fanzine MAMEzine

Rhoda “Voxie” Villegas is giving away (free) copies of her (now in-active) fanzine ‘MAMEzine‘. Along side magazine regulars like (old) news, features and reviews, it contains a number of rare comics drawn by several well-known UK comic artists, including Sweatdrop Studios regular Sonia Leong. If you’re interested in taking advantage and picking up a free copy, read on below (including several preview images of the magazine itself).

“MAMEzine is or rather was, a non-profit fanzine I created alongside a wealth of brilliant contributors. It was on sale via online and a few events over the last five years or so, mainly the London Anime Club. It used to cost approx. £1.50 a copy, but here on out from today it’s totally FREE!!!”

“All I ask is that you send me a size A5 (MUST be A5!!) SSAE (Self Stamped Addressed Envelope) to the following address: Rhoda Villegas, MAMEzine #X, 212 Lewisham High Street, Lewisham, London SE13 6JP. (Offer is for those in UK and Eire only). Where X is, please write the number of the issue you want (details below).”


Washed up on the good shores of Anime UK News after many a year at sea, Paul has been writing about anime for a long time here at AUKN and at his anime blog.

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