Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Volume 7

Caught up in the ongoing hostilities between the Earth Alliance and the Plants, the young Gundam pilots struggle to make sense of their lives. And it’s Shinn’s misfortune to have developed feelings for injured enemy Extended pilot Stella Loussier, who has been captured and brought on board the Minerva. His love for her is strong enough to make him disobey orders and return her to Captain Neo Roanoake. Neo promises – at Shinn’s request – to keep her safe, away from the fighting. But when Shinn goes back to the Minerva, he is placed under military arrest. He may even face the death sentence for his insubordination.
Lord Djibril (in the best Bond villain tradition, he even has a cat!) orders Neo to deploy the X1 Destroy Gundam, a gigantic killing machine. And who does Neo use to pilot it? Stella. Because she is the most compatible of the remaining Extended. Neo tells her that unless she takes action, “Scary things will come and kill us.” This triggers her into battle mode and she proceeds to wreak havoc with the Destroy across Western Eurasia.
As Stella’s lethal rampage continues, Kira and the Archangel speed to try to stop the carnage. Shinn is released from his cell to try to stop the attack. In the confusion of battle, Neo is shot down. The mask finally comes off and, as the Archangel approaches, a shocked Murrue recognizes the fair-haired man lying unconscious in the ruins.
Learning that the crazed pilot is Stella, Shinn tries to talk her into stopping the attack. But she is out of control and Kira swoops down in the Freedom to attack the Destroy, with the inevitable tragic consequences.
In the aftermath, Chairman Durandal broadcasts to both Earth Alliance and the Plants, announcing a military campaign to eliminate Logos and all its members. “They are the true enemies,” he declares. Djibril has overplayed his hand. Durandal’s broadcast triggers bloody repercussions on earth and as the members of Logos are indiscriminately murdered by the enraged survivors, Djibril flees.
On the Archangel, Neo comes round to find himself a prisoner in sickbay. He insists that he is Captain Roanoake, to Murrue’s distress… but DNA tests tell a very different story. He looks like her lost love Mu La Flaga, he sounds like him, but he has no recollection of anything. It’s as if his memories have been not simply erased but replaced. “We should go back to Orb,” warns Kira. But before they can get very far, the Minerva attacks. They have been ordered to take out the Archangel and the Freedom. “Why is ZAFT coming after us?” asks the bewildered Murrue.
When Athrun makes his objections very plain to Captain Gladys, she merely tells him, “Situations change over time.” Shinn has been waiting for just such an opportunity to avenge Stella. A tense aerial duel ensues between him and Kira in the Freedom. This time, Shinn has the advantage and as Athrun’s agonized cry, “Kira!” rings out, the Freedom is shot down, disappearing beneath the waves…
Both Gundam Seed series concentrate on young pilots whose beliefs and loyalties are constantly tested. In a world of complex politics, they have become mere tools in a bitter power struggle. ‘Gundam Seed Destiny’ is at its most involving when focussing on the moral and personal dilemmas of the combatants. Sometimes it veers a little too far towards being a ‘soap with mechas’ but these episodes are so full of conflict that the viewer’s interest is kept fully engaged.
In Summary
This is an action-packed volume in which the stakes are raised, key players are lost, and loyalties are severely tested.