Diana Wynne Jones Celebration

The city of Bristol will publicly celebrate the life of acclaimed fantasy author Diana Wynne Jones tomorrow at 14:30 at St George’s Church on Brandon Hill. Anime fans may best remember Jones from her novel Howl’s Moving Castle which was published in 1986 and adapted by Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki into a film in 2004.

According to Publishers Weekly the event is “Open to all who wish to attend, the event was organized by the author’s family and friends, along with her literary agent Laura Cecil. Festivities will include a reading from an unfinished story by Wynne Jones, live music from the ballet of Black Maria, and a tower built from copies of all her books—including the translations.” Details on the official site state: “Family and friends, her agent, her publishers from the UK and USA, and fellow writers, will describe what Diana meant to them. There will be a display of photographs, extracts from an interview, and from the films made of her books, and a reading from the unfinished story she left behind.” Jones made some comments on the film in a Q&A in 2005, quoted here. As well as the celebration at St George’s Church there are also on-going online celebrations of Jones’s work, including in blog form and on tumblr.

For more information on the events and details on how to get there visit the official site.



I'm a long-time anime and Japanese film and culture fan who has lived in the country and is studying Japanese in an effort to become fluent. I write about films, anime, and work on various things.

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