Busou Shinki Anime Adaptation
News emerged at the end of last month of the collaboration between Konami and TBS television network in the creation of a TV anime adaptation of Busou Shinki (“Armed Divine Princess”) the mecha-musume which began life as a series of collectable action figures linked to an online PC game way back in September 2006.
The news of this TV anime follows Busou Shinki: Moon Angel, last year’s online anime mini-series spin-off of the same franchise. This new franchise entry features an original story cooked up by Konami while the director of the anime is Yasuhito Kikuchi (Infinite Stratos, Macross Frontier), the series script editor is Masahiro Yokotani (Steins;Gate, K-ON! scripts), character design is handled by Takahiro Kishida (Madoka Magica) and Ryouma Ebata (Blue Exorcist). The studio 8-Bit (Infinite Stratos) is producing the animation.