Commission a Manga Artist with Fast Manga

Anime UK News has received some interesting information about a service called Fast Manga where a person can find a Japanese manga artist and commission anime and illustrations. Here’s the PR:

Find favorite Japanese manga artist and commission anime and illustrations: releases Version β
F-Plat, inc. has added a search function to their database of profiles, works, and completed commissions of over 70 Japanese illustrators and manga artists. Even people living in the English-speaking world can now commission manga or illustrations from Japanese manga artists with ease.

Tokyo, Japan June 25, 2012

Currently, manga and anime produced by Japanese people are enjoyed by many men and women of all ages. (For example: Naruto, Dragonball, Spirited Away, Transformers, Astro Boy, Akira, Bleach, etc.) By using illustrations and manga from Japanese artists on packaging and advertisements, companies can very effectively target anime and manga lovers. Also, if individuals give illustrations by Japanese manga artists to friends who are manga fans or anime maniacs, they’ll be delighted.

However, in commissioning works from Japanese manga artists and illustrators, not only is it hard to find the right person, but also because there are many artists who speak only Japanese, communication is a problem.

Now, F-Plat, inc., which runs the one of the largest artist interaction sites, FASTDESIGN (*Japanese site), has taken their knowledge and user network and used it to open the β Version of, where English speaking people can easily contact Japanese manga artists and illustrators to commission works.

At, companies and individuals can compare the profiles and works of over 70 Japanese manga artists, request estimates for projects, and contact artists directly.

On artist profiles, examples of work, price guidelines, and ratings from past clients are displayed, so it is easy to find the right manga artist for user’s needs.

With the β Version, English speaking communication facilitators translate user messages, so users can negotiate prices, delivery dates, and project details with Japanese artists.

(On official version which will be launched in less than 3 months, users promptly contact manga artists directly using a translation system.)

Also, users can check the numerous projects created in the past using our FASTDESIGN site, and see what kinds of manga or illustrations can be commissioned for user’s budget.

To see past projects visit past reviews

How to use
1. Choose a manga artist using a profile search, an artwork search, or by requesting a quote for the project. (At this point, user can also negotiate with many artists before finally choosing the one user wishes to request commissioned work from.)
2. Through the communication facilitator, negotiate the price, delivery date, copyright, and other terms with the manga artist.
3. The manga artist will present an estimate. If the user accepts it, this will place the order.
4. Pay for the project using PayPal.
5. Give additional instructions or request changes to the work, or accept the presentation as is from the manga artist.
6. The manga or illustration is delivered by the date user requested.

For detailed instructions visit the site.


I'm a long-time anime and Japanese film and culture fan who has lived in the country and is studying Japanese in an effort to become fluent. I write about films, anime, and work on various things.

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