Anime Adaptation for Saikin, Imōto no Yōsu ga Chotto Okaishiin Da Ga Manga
Mari Matsuzawa’s supernatural rom-com manga, Imōto no Yōsu ga Chotto Okaishiin Da Ga Manga “Lately, My Little Sister’s Been Acting Strange, But” will be adapted into an anime.
When Mitsuki Kanazaki mother remarries, she has a new step-brother named Yūya. Everything seems to be going fine until she is possessed by the spirit of a young girl named Hiyori Kotobuki who wants Mitsuki’s body so she can fall in love with Yūya and to move towards the “Gates of Heaven.”
While this supernatural rom-com sounds a little outrageous Matsuzawa has form with weird concepts and should be a familiar name for people who love the Inukami! Manga/anime. Indeed, the Saikin, Imōto no Yōsu ga Chotto Okaishiin Da Ga manga has proven popular since it launched in Kadoawa’s Monthly Dragon Age magazine back in 2010. Here is the PV for the latest compiled book: