Breakdown Press to release Hayashi’s “Flowering Harbour” manga

At the beginning of the week we reported that The Japan Foundation in London will be hosting a special event on 1st July with the artist and animator Seiichi Hayashi about his career as an artist and animator, along with Japanese culture post-World War 2.

On Thursday, the publisher Breakdown Press announced that the upcoming event will also be used to launch an English translation of Hayashi’s love story manga “Flowering Harbour” prior to a listening party at GoshLondon the following day, which will then be followed by a retail release not long after.

The Japan Foundation event is free to attend, but if you wish to attend you are required to reserve a place, which can be so by emailing your name and the title of the event to

Previously, Seiichi Hayashi’s one volume manga Red Colored Elegy was released by Drawn & Quarterly. 

Josh A. Stevens

Reviewing anime by moonlight, working in film by daylight, never running out of things to write, he is the one named Josh A. Stevens.

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