Kotatsu Japanese Animation Film Festival Launches Tomorrow

The Kotatsu Japanese Animation Film Festival will launch tomorrow, June 07th 2014 at the Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff, South Wales and it will screen a number of impressive films. The full programme for this year’s Kotatsu Japanese Animation Festival has already been revealed and looked at here on Anime UK News ahead of the event which has expanded to take place at two locations, Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff on Saturday June 07th and the Aberystwyth Arts Centre on Saturday June 21st.

This is the fourth festival and as usual it features an eclectic mix of titles that mix the high-brow with the fan favourites to bring a diverse range of anime for people to experience with the likes of the latest Evangelion being programmed alongside Patema Inverted. Tickets are already on sale.


I'm a long-time anime and Japanese film and culture fan who has lived in the country and is studying Japanese in an effort to become fluent. I write about films, anime, and work on various things.

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