Live-Action Tokyo Tribe Released in the UK on May 22nd
The live-action movie adaptation of Santa Inoue’s Tokyo Tribe manga gets a release on May 22nd courtesy of Eureka Entertainment. Described as a “crazy, colourful ‘hip-hopera’, pitting rival street tribes against each other in a futuristic urban war”, the film comes from cult film director Sion Sono (Himizu, Suicide Club) and stars a variety of excellent actors. Here’s a taste of the film:
In a futuristic, alternate-world Tokyo, the city is made up of ghetto slums and nightclub playgrounds where gangs of wayward youth rule the streets. The city is carved up into ‘hoods, and the crossing of territorial lines quickly leads to riots and rumbles. On the turf ruled by the savage yakuza Big Buppa, the simmering tension is about to boil over into all-out war. Who will emerge victorious? Territory, friendship, pride, love… Everything is put on the line in a desperate struggle for supremacy! The Musashino Saru gang becomes split over the issue of the use of violence and soon a massive gang war between the tribes erupts with Kai caught in the middle.
Tokyo Tribes is a seinen manga created by Santa Inoue and serialised in the urban fashion magazine Boon from 1997 to 2005. It mixes Hip Hop culture with a future dystopian Tokyo and focusses on two warring gangs.