Saban Promoting Smile Precure! As “Glitter Force”
Over two years have passed since the conclusion of Toei Animation’s Smile PreCure!, the ninth television anime in their Pretty Cure magical girl franchise, but it looks like preperations…
Manga and Anime reviewers Wanted!
Anime UK News is looking to add new dedicated manga or anime volunteer reviewers to our established writing team.
The ability to write interestingly – even passionately – in good…
Kotatsu Japanese Animatino Festival – Cardiff Run.
The 2015 Kotatsu Japanese Animation Festival runs on Saturday this week at Cardiff’s Chapter Arts Centre. Here’s a look at the festival line-up going on the festival website’s programme…
New DMP Osamu Tezuka Kickstarter – Wonder 3
Digital Manga Publishing’s latest Kickstarter project will be to release Osamu Tezuka’s sci-fi series Wonder 3. It will be released over three volumes, and items being offered…
Ace Attorney And Monster Hunter Receiving 2016 Anime
This news will probably be a long time coming for the fans of a particular Capcom video game franchise, but at the Tokyo Game Show earlier today, the video game developer officially announced that…
Win Bleach Series 14 now!
Ichigo returns from Hueco Mundo at last to battle Aizen. But in the face of Aizen’s overwhelming power, Ichigo begins to lose his will to fight. The Thirteen Court Guard Squads are there …
Yakuza Apocalypse: The Great War of the Underworld Red Band Trailer
The Red Band trailer for Takashi Miike’s latest title, Yakuza Apocalypse: The Great War of the Underworld, was recently released and it shows some of the insane action that will be in the film.…
Free Manga Talks at the British Museum
Anime News Network have run a story listing a series of free talks connected to the world of manga. These talks are running as an accompaniment to a free manga exhibition called Manga Now: Three …
Win Naruto Shippuden Box Set 22!
The Fourth Great Ninja War rages on, and danger comes from every angle. Old comrades and enemies have risen from the grave under the control of Kabuto to fight the Allied Forces. While some retain…
London Film Festival 2015 Set to Screen Studio Ghibli and Mamoru Hosoda Films
This years London Film Festival is set to take place from October 07th to the 18th and there 238 films from 57 countries screening in our nation’s capital over the course of 12 days. Amidst the glamorous…
Studio Ghibli Films on Film4 this Week
British television viewers have been spoiled this summer with Film4’s screening of Ghibli classics such as Spirited Away and Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. This week, as the summer holiday…
Third Window Films Release A Snake of June Blu-ray on September 28th
Third Window Films will release a Blu-ray edition of A Snake of June next month. The film is an award-winning psycho-sexual thriller from legendary director Shinya Tsukamoto (Tetsuo: The Iron…
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ UK Theatrical Release Details
Earlier this week, Anime UK News was sent information regarding the theatrical release of Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ in the UK with just over a month to go before its launch. Here are the details:…
Squid Girl Gear Included In Splatoon Update, De Geso!
In the early hours of this morning, Nintendo released a long-awaited free update for their popular Wii U shooter Splatoon, adding in highly requested online features, new weapon types, gear…