

Manga and Anime reviewers Wanted!

Anime UK News is looking to add new dedicated manga or anime volunteer reviewers to our established writing team.

The ability to write interestingly – even passionately – in good…

• 21st September 2015

Win Bleach Series 14 now!

Ichigo returns from Hueco Mundo at last to battle Aizen. But in the face of Aizen’s overwhelming power, Ichigo begins to lose his will to fight. The Thirteen Court Guard Squads are there …

• 15th September 2015

Win Naruto Shippuden Box Set 22!

The Fourth Great Ninja War rages on, and danger comes from every angle. Old comrades and enemies have risen from the grave under the control of Kabuto to fight the Allied Forces. While some retain…

• 7th September 2015