Trailer for Mamoru Oshii’s Film Tokyo Stateless Girl
A trailer for Mamoru Oshii’s latest film has been released by the film’s official website and it’s a live-action production.
The film is about a talented girl in an art school. She is a genius who…
Anime Released in Japanese Cinemas This Weekend
While millions around the world rang in the New Year with parties and fireworks, in terms of fireworks and Japanese cinema there wasn’t much for the start of 2015. It all began quietly last weekend…
Ghost in the Shell Steelbook, Attack On Titan Volume 2 Dated
Last May, Manga Entertainment UK announced that they had obtained the licence to release the hit anime sensation Attack On Titan in the United Kingdom. Earlier this year, they announced that …
Dark Horse licenses Oreimo: Kuroneko and Satoshi Kon manga in 2015 and more
Yen Press have just held their panel at Sakura Con in the United States, where they dropped the bombshell that the A Certain Magical Index light novels will finally be published in English. Yen …
I.G, Tatami Galaxy’s director Yuasa Raise Funds for Kick-Heart Anime
“Director Masaaki Yuasa (Kaiba, Mind Game, The Tatami Galaxy) announced on Monday that he and Production I.G are running a Kickstarter fundraising program for Kick-Heart, a 2D animated…
Mamoru Oshii + Production IG to remake Cyborg 009 in 3D
“The electronics maker Panasonic is sponsoring a stereoscopic 3D animation project of Shotaro Ishinomori’s classic science-fiction manga 009 with director Mamoru Oshii and…
Sky Crawlers competition
To celebrate the release of Mamoru Oshii’s Sky Crawlers on the 31st of May, Manga Entertainment & Anime UK News will be giving one copy of the DVD or BD release of Sky crawlers. For a chance…
Ghost in the Shell 2.0 theatrical release tomorrow
In 1995, the animated cyberpunk action-thriller GHOST IN THE SHELL stunned moviegoers and anime fans alike by seamlessly merging traditional animation with the latest CG imagery to create …
Halo is geting an anime.
Halo the popular First Person Shooter is geting an Anime:
“Between this year’s Halo Wars and Halo: ODST, Microsoft is working to establish a universe for its blockbuster sci-fi …
Musashi’s film creators interview
Production IG published an interview with director Mizuho Nishikubo, writer Mamoru Oshii and the rock singer Shigeru Izumiya about their upcoming film – Musashi: The Dream of the Last…
Musashi: The Dream of the Last Samurai
For those of you that are unfamiliar with Musashi Miyamoto, I’ll simply say that this is a Production IG anime (Ghost in the Shell, Kill Bill) written by Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell, …
Blood live-action teaser trailer
The live-action blood teaser trailer has just been released. The movie will open in Japan on May 29 (under the title Last Blood), in the United Kingdom on June 12 and then in France on June 17.…
Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea set for UK release in April’09
Running from 27 August to 6 September was the prestigious Venice Film Festival, the oldest film festival in the world.
Hayao Miyazaki with his film ‘Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea‘ …
New US anime licenses: The Sky Crawlers, Kaze no Stigma
Production I.G’s sci-fi drama The Sky Crawlers (the latest anime film to be directed by Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell, Innocence)) has been licensed for a US release (amongst many other…
Mamoru Oshii talks Ponyo
As is fairly traditional in Japan in the wake of a movie released by Hayao Miyazaki, anime director Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell) was asked to share his opinions on Miyazaki‘s Ponyo on…
New 5-minute preview of Mamoru Oshii’s The Sky Crawlers
A brand new 5 minute preview of The Sky Crawlers has been posted online for your streaming pleasure. Directed by Mamoru Oshii and animated by Production I.G, this highly anticipated science-fiction…
Ghost in the Shell 2.0 is announced
Ghost in the Shell 2.0 is a newer “version” of the original 1995 sci-fi classic by Mamoru Oshii. It has been completely remastered (in terms of visuals and sound; including a new 6.1…