Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade Review
Film Review

Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade Review

Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade Review
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade presents a story of loss and sacrifice with a simple yet moving premise presented effectively thanks to the winning combination of Mamoru Oshii’s writing and Hiroyuki Okiura’s directing.
• 27th October 2019

Sky Crawlers competition

To celebrate the release of Mamoru Oshii’s Sky Crawlers on the 31st of May, Manga Entertainment & Anime UK News will be giving one copy of the DVD or BD release of Sky crawlers. For a chance…

• 15th May 2010

Halo is geting an anime.

Halo the popular First Person Shooter is geting an Anime:

“Between this year’s Halo Wars and Halo: ODST, Microsoft is working to establish a universe for its blockbuster sci-fi …

• 24th July 2009

Musashi’s film creators interview

Production IG published an interview with director Mizuho Nishikubo, writer Mamoru Oshii and the rock singer Shigeru Izumiya about their upcoming film – Musashi: The Dream of the Last…

• 4th May 2009

Musashi: The Dream of the Last Samurai

For those of you that are unfamiliar with Musashi Miyamoto, I’ll simply say that this is a Production IG anime (Ghost in the Shell, Kill Bill) written by Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell, …

• 19th March 2009

Blood live-action teaser trailer

The live-action blood teaser trailer has just been released. The movie will open in Japan on May 29 (under the title Last Blood), in the United Kingdom on June 12 and then in France on June 17.…

• 15th February 2009

Mamoru Oshii talks Ponyo

As is fairly traditional in Japan in the wake of a movie released by Hayao Miyazaki, anime director Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell) was asked to share his opinions on Miyazaki‘s Ponyo on…

• 25th August 2008