One Piece rescued by FUNimation; new version starting at 144

In a surprise announcement last night, FUNimation confirmed that they have picked up (some would say rescued) One Piece from 4Kids and intend to start producing the show with a new dub and the original musical soundtrack as soon as possible. Due to time constraints, FUNimation’s version of the show will begin at episode 144 (Jaya arc, Japanese episode count), though they intend to eventually re-work all the 4Kids-produced episodes too. Completely uncut DVDs are also said to be forthcoming in the US, though again, these will only start at episode 144. Whether or not the UK will see this newer TV version or DVD release (most likely through Revelation Films) remains to be seen.

Originally, One Piece was licensed by and completely reworked at the behest of 4Kids – entire episodes were removed, dead characters never actually died and the original music was replaced by 4Kids electronic revision. FUNimation’s version of the show, to the delight of the many One Piece fans in the anime community, promises to be much closer in theme, content and message to the original Japanese version.

Read the full statement from FUNimation, including extended interviews with their executives, over at AnimeOnLine.


Washed up on the good shores of Anime UK News after many a year at sea, Paul has been writing about anime for a long time here at AUKN and at his anime blog.

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