MangaUK’s second social media water-cooler event: K-ON! The Movie

Back in August, MangaUK hosted a social media event where they asked followers on Twitter to watch Naruto Shippuden The Movie: The Will Of Fire simultaneously and tweet their thoughts using a hashtag. Today, MangaUK revealed that their next community water-cooler event will be at 7:30pm this Wednesday, with K-ON! The Movie, which was releases on DVD and Blu-ray this Monday using the hashtag @K_OnMovie

The event will begin at 7:30pm, taking place on both Facebook and Twitter, where a half hour discussion about things related to K-ON! will take place before MangaUK will be intructing people to press “Play” on their remotes at 8pm. Throughout the event, they will also be holding competitions, imcluding giving away the K-ON! Oyster Card holders that were exclusive to last weekend’s London MCM Comic Con.

So make sure to get a warm cup of tea and a slice of cake ready for Wednesday!

Josh A. Stevens

Reviewing anime by moonlight, working in film by daylight, never running out of things to write, he is the one named Josh A. Stevens.

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