Rurouni Kenshin: The Legend Ends UK Release Date Confirmed
Anime UK News has received word that Rurouni Kenshin: The Legend Ends will get a theatrical release in the UK on Friday, March 06th, courtesy of Warner Bros. UK. Here are the details plus a trailer:…
Kaze UK To Release Nisekoi This April
Last year, Aniplex and SHAFT blew expectations out of the water with their beautifully coloured and splendidly choreographed television anime adaptation of Naoshi Komi’s hit romantic…
Robotech Movie project back on again
Reports have come in saying that the proposed movie version of controversial mecha anime Robotech is back on the cards.
Back in 2013 it was said that Nic Mathieu (now currently directing the forthcoming…
Hyper Japan Headed To The O2 This July!
The annual Hyper Japan Japanese pop-culture festival is returning in 2015, giving visitors the opportunity to experience a wide array of what Japan has to offer – cuisine, games, merchandise,…
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Coming West This Summer
If your jaws are still on the floor from Bandai Namco Games’ announcement of a western release for the Shonen Jump fighting game crossover Jump Stars Victory Vs.+, you might be better off…
DMP unveil new Kickstarter – Osamu Tezuka’s “Alabaster”
Digital Manga Publishing’s latest Kickstarter project is to release both volumes of Osamu Tezuka’s thriller Alabaster.
The series concerns an athlete turned villain James Block…
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU’s Second Season Teaser Streamed
This April, the anti-social misadventures of Hachiman Hikigaya returns with the second season of My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU. This time, studio feel will be taking over the animation duties…
Anime Limited’s Q2 2015 Slate Revealed!
It was only a week ago when Anime Limited revealed the release dates currently filling up their schedule for 2015’s first quarter, which included the likes of Blood Lad and Wings of Honneamise …
Third Window Films Release Greatful Dead Today
Third Window Films have some interesting releases in store for the UK with the highly anticipated crime-thriller, The World of Kanako, (the latest film from the director of Confessions) and …
MVM To Release Super Sonico This Summer
Following Animatsu and Anime Limited’s recent announcements regarding upcoming anime releases, the distributor MVM Entertainment has revealed their first brand new license of the…
Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme 2015 Update
The Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme starts in London in just under a week’s time and will visit various venues across the UK from January 30th to March 26th. This is the 12th festival and…
Film4 to premier ‘The Wind Rises’ on 7th February
Film4 has announced on Twitter that it premier Hayao Miyazaki’s The Wind Rises on Saturday 7th February at 15.25.
On 23rd January Film4 posted the following tweet: “Heads up, Studio…
Marvel To Release Attack On Avengers Crossover On Free Comic Book Day
Last year, two different geek worlds endured an incursion unlike any other when the Japanese popular culture magazine Brutus published Attack On Avengers, a one-shot crossover featuring …
Anime Limited Reveals Q1 2015 Slate
The leftover Christmas Pudding is now in the bin, the festive trees are now once again in the loft and the tired trecks to work resume – it must be the New Year! 2014 is now a distant memory and…