Anime Review

Anime Review

Gunslinger Girl Volume 2

With the first volume of Gunslinger Girl making a strong first impression, it remained to be seen whether the series could go on to maintain the high standard it had set for itself. Fortunately,…

• 9th June 2006
Anime Review

Robotech: The Masters Volume 2

The battle between humanity and the Robotech Masters reaches its dramatic conclusion as the final battle that decides the war begins in earnest. The Fifteenth Squadron risk capture and death…

• 7th June 2006
Anime Review

Spirit Of Wonder

Spirit of WonderSet in 1950’s England, Spirit of Wonder is a five-part OVA that follows on from the earlier film “Miss China’s Ring”. Fortunately, although it is referenced…

• 7th June 2006
Anime Review

Parasite Dolls

Despite its flaws, I’ve always considered myself something of a fan of Bubblegum Crisis, and so it was with cautious optimism that I approached Parasite Dolls, the franchise’s …

• 6th June 2006
Anime Review

Wolf’s Rain Volume 6

The wolves complete the final leg of their journey as they brave a perilous ice floe and reach the city surrounding Jagala’s keep. Splitting up to look for Cheza, Hige enters a state of painful…

• 6th June 2006
Anime Review

My Neighbour Totoro

Set in the 1950’s, My Neighbour Totoro follows the day-to-day adventures of Tatsuo Kusakabe and his two young daughters, Mei and Satsuki, as they move into an old house in the country. Whilst…

• 1st June 2006
Anime Review

Tenjho Tenge Volume 1

Souichiro Nagi and his sidekick Bob Makihara are two teenage street fighters who travel from school to school, beating their rivals as they go. When they take on the students of Todo Academy and…

• 1st June 2006
Anime Review

Planetes Volume 5

As a continuing drama, it’s quite remarkable to think how far Planetes has travelled in over just 21 episodes. This is all encapsulated in Hachimaki, who has gone from being a pleasant if…

• 29th May 2006
Anime Review

Trigun Volume 6

Volume 6 of Trigun sees us nearing the end for Vash, but first, we are treated to an emotional flashback from his beginnings. Vash and his twin brother Knives are like two sides of the same person;…

• 29th May 2006
Anime Review

Samurai Champloo Volume 4

Mugen, Jin and Fuu are still on their journey towards the west, but the trip is a slow on as at every turn they are confronted with all manner of problems. Lack of funds, perpetual hunger, and a seemingly…

• 28th May 2006
Anime Review

Full Metal Alchemist Volume 6

Ed and Al have finally uncovered the secret to the Philosopher’s Stone but, as usual, more obstacles present themselves. But these new barriers are not just enemies, but also moral and …

• 28th May 2006
Anime Review

Elfen Lied Volume 2

If the first volume of Elfen Lied was notable for its sheer visceral onslaught of blood shed, volume two will be remembered for how outright disturbing this series can be; rather than treating …

• 22nd May 2006
Anime Review

GANTZ Volume 4

Up until this volume Gantz had lived up to its violent reputation but shied away from depicting sex, preferring to instead settle for a few perverted jokes and little else. Volume 4 changes all …

• 22nd May 2006
Anime Review

Gilgamesh Volume 1

Gilgamesh is a unique sci-fi thriller drawn with such a strange gothic aesthetic; echoing the ancient myths on which its story is based, this is a decidedly odd looking anime that gradually unsettles…

• 21st May 2006
Anime Review

Paranoia Agent Volume 4

And so ends another Satoshi Kon masterpiece, another befuddling mixture of fractured story telling, surreal visuals and subversive social commentary. Paranoia Agent sure is intensely thought…

• 21st May 2006
Anime Review

D.N.Angel Volume 4

It’s been a bit of a hectic ride for poor Daisuke ever since he started transforming into the Phantom Thief Dark and stealing artefacts at his mother’s insistence. Still, given enough…

• 20th May 2006
Anime Review

Robotech: The Masters Volume 1

Fifteen years after the first Robotech war the people of Earth are rebuilding their shattered civilisation. The planet is thrown into conflict once more when the Robotech Masters arrive to reclaim…

• 20th May 2006
Anime Review

Yukikaze Volume 1

Hard boiled science fiction is a rare thing these days and Yukikaze certainly looks the part; it boasts a mature and detailed take on futuristic warfare, combining some beautifully drawn landscapes…

• 17th May 2006
Anime Review

Mezzo DSA Volume 3

A mission to transport a priceless and allegedly cursed mummy kicks off the final part of the series as the DSA, now with a fourth member in the form of schoolgirl Asami, are faced with their biggest…

• 14th May 2006
Anime Review

Princess Mononoke

As one of the first Ghibli titles to reach these shores, Princess Mononoke will no doubt have already become a familiar sight on store shelves. Nonetheless, this repackaged version with more …

• 14th May 2006