Haibane Renmei Volume 4

As the series reaches its conclusion we see Rakka hard at work at her new job, having recalled the memory of her cocoon dream and gradually becoming more comfortable with her new life and surroundings. In contrast Reki has become quiet and detached, and we soon learn that her days as a Haibane are coming to an end. As the Passing of the Year festival approaches Rakka decides to return her friend’s kindness and help her, whatever the personal cost may be.

While the series initially told the story from Rakka’s point of view as the newcomer to the world it portrays, the last few episodes turn their attention to Reki and it is her situation that is the focus of the last disc. Rakka suffered the same ordeal of being sin-bound but found a way out; Reki in on the other hand is still uncertain of what lies in store for her. The situation gets more urgent as the Communicator gives Rakka a stark warning about the nature of being sin-bound and the consequences for a haibane’s Day of Flight.

What is clearer than ever is that the story is deeply philosophical and contains layer upon layer of symbolism and metaphors that are not immediately obvious with the first viewing. That is not to say that the viewer cannot relate to the characters though: the setting is unusual and the characters are noticeably different from ordinary humans in appearance but they exhibit very human emotions such as trust, happiness, sadness and doubt. What is possibly the series’ greatest strength as a character drama is that we the viewer can still relate to them, drawing parallels with our own lives and experiences. After seeing Reki taking care of Rakka and the others during the course of the series, you are eager to find out the secrets of her past and are anxious to see what happens to both her and the rest of the cast.

In terms of resolving all of the issues and questions that the series presents, these last three episodes wrap up the central storyline very well and do so in an emotionally powerful way. The true intentions of the show’s creators are much clearer now: at its heart Haibane Renmei is a pure and simple tale of friendship, acceptance and forgiveness, albeit with some plot devices and backgrounds that are as unusual as they are beautiful.

As a result the myriad of smaller questions concerning the nature of the haibane and their environment are not addressed as fully as some might expect, which leaves a few loose ends very much untied. The truth is that these are mere details that are not essential to delivering the show’s central messages; sure, it would be interesting to learn more about the town, and in addition exploring the personalities of the cast a little further would not go amiss but the main aim of the story was to show the journey made by the main cast members and it achieves that at least.

In Summary

For those who were expecting a dramatic and heart-tugging conclusion to the series that gives the central characters the attention they deserve, this final instalment will leave them satisfied. However, considering the depth and richness of the setting that we see here some viewers might feel that the supporting cast and a lot of smaller details are a little left out and as a result the whole affair seems somewhat open-ended. As with many series from the same creative team, it is worth watching through a second time to catch any details missed the first time around.

Final thoughts

By its very nature this series requires viewing with an open mind and lack of preconceptions as to what its writers were trying to say. It is something that can be enjoyed on more than one level though: even if you do not delve into the deeper meaning of it all there is still a great story with an engaging cast, told with warmth and subtlety. The artwork is in a league of its own with ABe’s characteristically striking style; this and the gentle atmosphere prevents the viewing experience being too heavy going even in its darkest moments, and the music compliments the visuals perfectly.

In terms of the ending it depends on what, if anything, the viewer was expecting to find. There are a lot of unanswered questions which might be frustrating and disappointing, and many members of the cast are left on the sidelines. This is in my opinion compensated by the drama of the main story, and the fact that the ending leaves us with a sense of hope for them all. Experimental, artistic and utterly unique, Haibane Renmei leaves a deep and lasting impression.

9 / 10