There’s a Schoolgirl Milky Crisis in the UK

Schoolgirl Milky Crisis isn’t hentai. It’s actually the title of Jonathan Clements‘ forthcoming book, which collects his opinions and anecdotes on the anime and manga industries in the UK, the US and Japan. In order to give prospective readers a chance to sample his style, Clements is currently blogging on the very same subjects at A choice quote has been copied in below:

What made you decide to start writing articles about the anime industry? Surprisingly few people write about the anime industry. They’ll write about shows they like, and summarise plots, and talk about their favourite characters, but when it comes to the actual Business, the nitty-gritty of who’s shafted whom, who ripped off whose artwork, who drowns puppies for fun, that sort of thing, it’s still kept surprisingly quiet. The Japanese don’t like it discussed in print, so very little of it makes it over to the West. So when I had a chance, I took it!

If you found that interesting, you can read much more from Jonathan Clements at his blog


Washed up on the good shores of Anime UK News after many a year at sea, Paul has been writing about anime for a long time here at AUKN and at his anime blog.

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