Eureka Seven Gets TV Anime Sequel
A manga sequel to Eureka Seven named Eureka Seven: AO (Astral Ocean) will launch in Shōnen Ace magazine on the 26th of January with Yūichi Katō drawing.
The story revolves around a boy named Ao who “sets destiny in motion again when he holds the ‘power’”
In addition an announcement made on Japanese TV channel MBS signalled that there will be a television sequel to the manga which will air in April 2012 with studio BONES returning to animate it.
Eureka Seven originally aired from 2005 to 2006 and followed a 14-year-old named Renton Thurston the son of a legendary hero who lives a monotonous life of school and toiling away at his grandfather’s garage. His feelings of frustration are only assuaged when he masters an extreme version of hoverboarding but he soon finds something else to brighten his days when a mecha named Nirvash crashes into his life and a beautiful girl named Eureka emerges and tasks him with repairs. Renton is smitten and by helping her he begins to shape the course of his destiny.
Thanks go out to Reeveofthemusefan for spotting the news.