Trailers for Kyoto Animation’s Free!
Kyoto Animation have released trailers for its summer anime Free! The trailers showcase Iwatobi High School’s swim team led by main character Haruka, and the second video shows his rival Rin Matsuoka while the other videos show Haruka’s swimming team mates.
Haruka has always loved swimming and so when a long-lost childhood friend Rin beats him in a swimming race Haruka gathers together his schoolmates to form the Iwatobi High School Swimming Club. Haruka, Rin, Makoto, Nagisa, and Rei will discover the power of swimming and friendship!
The anime is based on Koji Oji’s manga High Speed! and it is directed by Hiroko Utsumi (Hyouka, Nichijou) and series composition is orchestrated by Masahiro Yokotani who orchestrated the scripts for anime such as Hataraku Maou-Sama, Steins;Gate and Toradora.