Kenji Studio’s Coluboccoro Fantasy Anime Kickstarter Details

Kenji Studio and Awesome Japan have unveiled details of a Kickstarter campaign to create a fantasy anime film called Coluboccoro. It is the latest project from Kenji Itoso, an animator who has worked with Satoshi Kon and Hayao Miyazaki.

The campaign aims to raise a total of $38,200 by May 01st. In order to raise the money needed to create the anime there are various rewards being offered including digital download versions of the film, special edition DVD/Blu-ray discs, signed art books, and art prints. There are also bundles which include all of these as well as Kenji Itoso’s previous film, Santa Company. The biggest reward, which has already been claimed, came in at $5,000. The person who scooped that will be credited as “executive producer,” and a character in his or her likeness will appear in the film as well getting the film and figurine.

At the time of writing there are 166 backers pledging $24,703 with 28 days to go.

The Kickstarter campaign page has this description of the film:

It is a time not of the now. At the birthplace of culture and religion. Where science has evolved amongst a gathering of races and people both high and low. In a town, with a ruler. Like any other town, unlike any other ruler. Suzu, the girl’s name is. Her parents lost to her at a young age, her days strict with an upbringing befitting of the now and future sovereign. But doubt had crept in for the life she lived. So out she stole one day, to that place one must never set foot, to the Forbidden Grounds. Far above the town the Forbidden Grounds lay. And there, Suzu finds a seed, the likes of which she has never seen before. What kind of seed could it be? Wondering, she wanders back and waters the seed… And there, it sprouts right before her eyes, a mysterious creature popping up from the dirt!

A startled Suzu timidly speaks, “…and you are?”

“Colu!” it peeped.

Suzu returns to the Forbidden Grounds, to find out just what the creature is. Beyond lays a world she has never seen, the secret of the town waiting hidden. And just like that, destinies are laid bare. All possibilities become one thread, spinning the ultimate truth. Will Suzu take hold and lead it to the end?

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I'm a long-time anime and Japanese film and culture fan who has lived in the country and is studying Japanese in an effort to become fluent. I write about films, anime, and work on various things.

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