

Anime UK News at the Japan EXPO

Manga and anime were the best introductions to Japanese culture I could have ever had. It was whilst I was flicking through my manga did I wonder: Just what is Pocky? Who’s Hyde? So, it was with much…

• 7th August 2007

The Great Unwashed Anime: May ’06

Despite the large number of anime series being released in the UK every month, there are still many shows that are yet to even see a stateside release. “The Great Unwashed Anime” is…

• 7th May 2006

Brief spotlight on Makoto Shinkai

One of the directors who has risen to prominence in recent years, the small but high quality freelance output of Makoto Shinkai promises much for the future; he has been referred to, despite his…

• 11th March 2006

Beginners Guide to Macross

Throughout its relatively short lifespan, there are remarkably few names that are roundly perceived to be amongst the most important in the history of anime. While there are many titles that …

• 6th March 2006

2005: Highlights of the year

2005’s lowest moments

Andy Glass: Naruto Licensed. Or, more accurately, the immediate aftermath to this announcement. As the shockwaves rippled through the net, it seemed everyone …

• 1st January 2006

2005: Words from the UK anime industry

How did 2005 go for the UK anime industry?

Hugh David of ADV UK: It would be very hard to match the runaway success of our first two years as a DVD label, but 2005 has been a superb year. On the convention…

• 1st January 2006

2005: The contents page

True to form, Anime UK News has produced a mammouth year in review article for your reading pleasure and aside from our regular contributors, we are proud to say that we have managed to secure a few…

• 31st December 2005

Brief spotlight on Yoshiyuki Tomino

Yoshiyuki Tomino was born on November 5th, 1941, and since 1963 became one of the driving forces behind anime. He began his career working on the series commonly known as Astro Boy for Osamu Tezuka’s…

• 21st December 2005

The Great Unwashed Anime: November

Despite the large number of anime series being released in the UK every month, there are still many shows that are yet to even see a stateside release. “The Great Unwashed Anime” is…

• 27th November 2005

A new era for the UK community?

I started taking a strong interest in the UK anime community back during late 2003; the Sci-Fi channel’s brief flirtation with prime time anime had just ended in tears and CNX was in tatters,…

• 13th November 2005

Brief spotlight on Satoshi Kon

Undoubtedly one of the most highly acclaimed directors in the modern anime world, Satoshi Kon has become well known for his trademark psychological realism. Often, at its best, Kon’s anime can…

• 10th November 2005

Halloween horror recommendations!

To celebrate this ghoulish season, the Anime UK News team have locked horns and produced a particularly striking epitaph recommending a host of blood drenched anime for those who enjoy the company…

• 30th October 2005

The Great Unwashed Anime: October

Despite the large number of anime series being released in the UK every month, there are still many shows that are yet to even see a stateside release. “The Great Unwashed Anime” is…

• 18th October 2005