Broken Blade
Science fantasy mecha shows honestly aren’t as common as you might expect. When looking across the genre as a whole, just what notable titles stand out? Escaflowne, no doubt. Aura Battler…
Science fantasy mecha shows honestly aren’t as common as you might expect. When looking across the genre as a whole, just what notable titles stand out? Escaflowne, no doubt. Aura Battler…
The Victorian era, a time of prosperity, a time of opportunity, a time of magical vampires! Hang on a second, that last one seems a bit bizarre. And yes it is bizarre; it’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure!…
“There’s a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking like an idiot.” – Steven Wright.
With reference to the above quote, here is an anime that deals…
In 2020, the world finds itself governed by the GGP, a tyrannical global dictatorship that has wrested control from the world’s leaders, enforcing order with an iron fist. Against this…
Warning: may contain spoilers.
“The Glorious Dead” – Inscription on the Cenotaph.
The latest DVD collection of Fairy Tail brings us a brand new story arc, combining …
“When your mother asks, ‘Do you want a piece of advice?’ it is a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway.”…
Yoshino Hide, nicknamed Hideyoshi, would much rather be texting her friends than doing her history homework on the Warring States period. So as a big test looms, our young teenaged heroine calls…
Episodes 245-257
The Next Challenge! Naruto Vs The Nine Tails
At the Waterfall of Truth, Naruto has reached the moment when he is ready to unlock the seal on the phenomenally powerful beast he …
Naruto, with Master Guy, Aoba and Yamato, is on his way to the Land Of Lightning under the orders of the Shinobi Alliance, although Naruto is unaware that he is being sent there to be hidden from…
“The geek shall inherit the Earth.” – Alexander Robbins
Blood Lad is an anime which stirs up strange thoughts. Thoughts such as: “Is Blood Lad the most northern-sounding…
Kyohei looks like a normal college boy, but in fact he’s from a rich family and a long line of ‘Seki’ – humans with the power to control kakashi, ancient wooden God-like beings. But many years ago …
“It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.” – Leo Tolstoy
When it comes to Japan covering the World War II, it is always a subject treated with wariness. …
Episodes 1-2 (Streaming on Crunchyroll) – This review contains spoilers.
“Biologically speaking, if something bites you, it’s more likely to be female.” –…
Back when Bakemonogatari was released, there were two female characters that never really engaged me throughout that series: Tsubasa Hanekawa and Sengoku Nadeko. In Hanekawa’s case,…
“You no longer matter to anyone.” Mui, warden of Hozuki Castle to Naruto Uzumaki
A murderous attack is launched on the Raikage at his stronghold – and the attacker is identified as none other than…
Episodes 1-2 (Streaming on Crunchyroll)
“The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” – Eden Phillpotts
Previous reviews by…
In a land ruled by a corrupt government and saturated by despicable evil, there stands one light in the sea of darkness, the fearsome and powerful Night Raid!
Akame Ga Kill is a 24 episode action-packed…
Travelling back in time always has unforeseen consequences – as third-year high school student Koyomi Araragi (Hiroshi Kamiya) should realize. But when he asks vampire girl Shinobu Oshino …
“What one owes to one’s mother is never repaid.” – Basque proverb
Michiko & Hatchin is a series that has some pleasant features. Perhaps the best is that, unlike…
The movie adaptation of long-running Shonen Jump shows tend to follow a strict formula. They usually feature a standalone story occurring outside the main series continuity so that fans can …