Black Lagoon Volume 1
Amidst all the furore surrounding Geneon’s uncertain future there were several new titles that I feared would never make it to UK shelves; one of those was Black Lagoon. It’s fair…
Amidst all the furore surrounding Geneon’s uncertain future there were several new titles that I feared would never make it to UK shelves; one of those was Black Lagoon. It’s fair…
The search for the Key of the Twilight continues, with Ovan’s Twilight Brigade pitted against TaN. It seems, Ovan tells his followers, that there are Virus Cores to be found in the Lost Grounds …
Keeping up its drive to deliver more episodes on less discs, Beez offers up the final volume of IGPX, like many of its first and last entries into recent series, with five rather than the standard…
This volume begins with Team Satomi in the midst of their race with Team Velshtein, and as ever, protagonist and forward, Takeshi, is called upon to pull his own weight and that of the team (like …
Being a huge fan of Ursula Le Guin’s original novels, I was really looking forward to seeing how Studio Ghibli brought her world of Earthsea to the screen. In an unusual situation regarding licence…
It’s the final volume of the Tokyo arc and the title ‘Full Circle’ is apt in more ways than one, for not only does it refer to the direction that the main characters’ lives are taking …
An inferno of burning cherry blossoms in a public park, a white wolf, and murderous bandits from a past age; these are just some of the dangers that Hikaru must face in her quest to find her older brother…
“It is not the sword that will change the world. It is words.”
In the opening titles, we see first Saint Germain, then Robespierre writing words of power on thin air. And the words ‘revolution’ and…
I don’t know whether I’d be speaking too harshly of Golgo 13: The Professional in saying how bad it is. Make no mistake, it IS bad, but the fact that it’s a quarter of a century …
Take a sullen protagonist with a tragic past, a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter, a gun-toting girl in a kimono, a master thief with a trick or two up her sleeve and a timid girl with a terrifying secret…and…
At the end of the last volume, Cou and Ren arrived at the city of Razfe Ankul, where they came across a young waitress trying to pay off her debts to a criminal gang extorting her for the money owed by…
The thirteenth episodes of ‘tactics’ ended on an ominous note as the sinister Raiko Minamoto revealed his plan to break the pact between exorcist and folklorist Kantaro and his companion Haruka…
I’m glad that I watched these five episodes before jumping to conclusions on Utawarerumono because there’s a lot surrounding the show’s premise and origins that doesn’t…
The World R:2 is a newer and improved version of the MMORPG featured in the TV anime series ‘.hack//sign’ which was notable for its wonderful score by Yuki Kajiura. New series ‘.hack//roots’ plunges…
Continuing on his adventure to protect and learn more about Ren (a Shichiko-Hoju, a powerful Edel Raid capable of becoming a weapon when she fuses with another person’s soul), Cou and the…
Volume four of Gun X Sword moves immediately into the midst of things, picking up where the previous volume had left off, with the confrontations between Rei and his long-time nemesis the Claw,…
The first feature-length effort from Gonzo was always going to be, in my mind at least, a big event. The premise of a post-apocalyptic future world, a struggle against nature and everything wrapped…
After fighting their way through their teacher’s personal tests, the paper exam and the Forest of Death, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke – the members of Squad Seven – find themselves…
This was a title that acquired considerable notoriety among fans for allegedly passing itself off as a cash-in based on the success of the Ninja Scroll feature film. It actually has little or no…
‘They have existed since the dawn of time. Some live in the deep darkness behind your eyelids. Some eat silence. Some thoughtlessly kill. Some simply drive men mad. Shortly after life emerged …