“There’s a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking like an idiot.” – Steven Wright.
With reference to the above quote, here is an anime that deals…
Michiko & Hatchin Volume 2
“When your mother asks, ‘Do you want a piece of advice?’ it is a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway.”…
MVM Entertainment Announces The Ambition of Oda Nobuna
This April, MVM Entertainment will be treating us to a not-very accurate history lesson with Madhouse’s The Ambition of Oda Nobuna, which they will be releasing in the United Kingdom…
Battle Girls: Time Paradox
Yoshino Hide, nicknamed Hideyoshi, would much rather be texting her friends than doing her history homework on the Warring States period. So as a big test looms, our young teenaged heroine calls…
Kamisama Dolls
Kyohei looks like a normal college boy, but in fact he’s from a rich family and a long line of ‘Seki’ – humans with the power to control kakashi, ancient wooden God-like beings. But many years ago …
MVM To Release Super Sonico This Summer
Following Animatsu and Anime Limited’s recent announcements regarding upcoming anime releases, the distributor MVM Entertainment has revealed their first brand new license of the…
Otorimonogatari: DVD Review
Back when Bakemonogatari was released, there were two female characters that never really engaged me throughout that series: Tsubasa Hanekawa and Sengoku Nadeko. In Hanekawa’s case,…
Past Reviews of New Collections: 11/01/2015
This week witnessed the release on a new collection of the complete Arakawa Under The Bridge fom MVM. Both the original series have been reviewed on Anime UK News in the past, so for those interested…
Travelling back in time always has unforeseen consequences – as third-year high school student Koyomi Araragi (Hiroshi Kamiya) should realize. But when he asks vampire girl Shinobu Oshino …
Michiko & Hatchin Volume 1
“What one owes to one’s mother is never repaid.” – Basque proverb
Michiko & Hatchin is a series that has some pleasant features. Perhaps the best is that, unlike…
2015 – What Next?
2015 – What Next? Hopes and fears as some of the writers at Anime UK News take stock and look to the future of anime (and manga) in the UK…
HdE says: 2014 was certainly an interesting year in anime…