Humble and Kodansha Announce The Humble Manga Bundle: Fairy Tail

If you’re a fan of Fairy Tail, digital manga, or cheaply-priced bundles, Humble Bundle have teamed up with Kodansha to offer a real treat. For the next two weeks, Humble are running The Humble Manga Bundle: Fairy Tail, a “pay what you want” bundle that allows you to get 45 volumes of Fairy Tail, various Fairy Tail spin-offs, and two exclusive comics, Fairy Tail: Swimsuit Issue and The Fairies’ Booby Prizes, for $17 – which works out as about £13.50.
It’s a great way to get stuck into the series if you haven’t read it before, and the top tier contains all the Fairy Tail volumes currently missing from Crunchyroll’s manga simulpub service – Crunchyroll’s collection starts at volume 45, which happens to be the last volume included in this bundle.
Like most recent Humble Bundles, there are different rewards at different tiers – the more you pay, the more you unlock. All the included books are also provided DRM-free in multiple formats, which means you can read them on whichever device you prefer. Each tier includes all the items in the previous tiers.
We’ve reviewed the first volume of Fairy Tail and Fairy Tail Zero previously at Anime UK News. Sarah described Fairy Tail‘s first volume as: “a fun, exciting read, overspilling with colourful characters, humour and magical fights,” and Demelza called Fairy Tail Zero “a great addition to the Fairy Tail universe.”
The full list of rewards are:
Pay $1 (about £0.79) or more
- Fairy Tail Vol. 1-5
- FUNimation Subscription Discount
Pay $8 (about £6.32) or more
- Fairy Tail Vol. 6-25
- Fairy Tail Ice Trail Vol. 1
- Fairy Tail ZERO
- Fairy Tail Blue Mistral Vol. 1
- Fairy Girls Vol. 1-2
Pay $15 (about £11.85) or more
- Fairy Tail Vol. 26-45
- Fairy Tail Rhodonite
- Fairy Tail Ice Trail Vol. 2
- Fairy Tail Twin Dragons of Sabertooth Vol. 1
- Fairy Tail Blue Mistral Vol, 2-3
- Fairy Girls Vol. 3-4
Pay $17 (about £13.43) or more
- Fairy Tail: Swimsuit Issue (new and exclusive)
- The Fairies’ Booby Prizes (new and exclusive)
Humble sometimes update their bundles as they progress, with the new content being available to existing customers – given the breath of content in this bundle, it seems unlikely they’ll do it this time, but we’ll be sure to update if it does happen.
If you’re interested in diving in, The Humble Manga Bundle: Fairy Tail is running until 5th July and can be found here.