All4 Now Streaming TV Anime and OVAs
People visiting the MCM London Comic Con in London were greeted with signs advertising that Channel 4’s All4 streaming service is now home to TV anime and OVAs, advertised as “100 Hours of Anime”. Most of these appear to be licensed by Anime Limited, and all are aired with English dubs.
The series listed as available to watch now are:
- Cardcaptor Sakura (Series 1)
- Charlotte
- Cowboy Bebop
- The Dragon Dentist
- Durarara!! (Series 1)
- InuYasha (listed, but no episodes online at the time of writing)
- Megalobox
- Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin
- Vision of Escaflowne
- Tokyo Ghoul (Series 1 & 2)
NEO magazine has also reported on Twitter that other series that will be listed on All4 in the future include:
- Gurren Lagann
- Kill la Kill
- Persona 5: The Animation
- Sword Art Online: Alicization
Photo credit: @Andywobss on Twitter.