Anime Review

Anime Review

Gungrave Volume 7

Now that Harry’s henchmen have been all but vanquished, Millenion’s stranglehold on the city has crumbled into nothing but dust. Looking to avenge his old friends and settle old scores, the scarred…

• 21st May 2007
Anime Review

Bubblegum Crisis Volume 1

For many fans the original Bubblegum Crisis OAV was a genre-defining series: following Otomo’s seminal Akira into overseas popularity and combining futuristic cityscapes with good…

• 20th May 2007
Anime Review

Otogi Zoshi Volume 3

Burning the Past

The first two volumes of ‘Otogi Zoshi’ have followed Hikaru’s adventures as she travels from clan to clan to find and bring back to the capital the precious legendary stones called…

• 19th May 2007
Anime Review

Sorcerer Hunters

With an 18 certificate and character names like Chocolate and Carrot, you should pretty much get what you expect when buying this volume of Sorcerer Hunters – a collection of three episodic…

• 26th April 2007
Anime Review

Jinki:Extend Volume 1

For a series that sells itself as ‘the only anime to be set in Venezuela’, ‘Jinki:Extend’ is remarkably lacking in Venezuelan local colour. Sure, there are a couple of info dumps about table mountains…

• 25th April 2007
Anime Review

InuYasha Volume 1

Observing the entrapment of the half-demon InuYasha by the local hero and priestess, Kikyo, after his attempt to steal The Jewel of Four Souls, we then watch a younger girl of, remarkable resemblance…

• 22nd April 2007
Anime Review

My-HiME Volume 3

‘Sometimes, Special Powers Are A Curse…’

Mai Tokiha and her younger brother Takumi are settling into their new life at Fuuka Academy. They have made friends, despite Mai’s discovery that…

• 17th April 2007
Anime Review

Naruto: Naruto Unleashed 1:2

Naruto is an adventure that requires a massive investment from its audience. As most people already know, this is a series that will played out over the course of more than two hundred episodes,…

• 13th April 2007
Anime Review

Ah! My Goddess Volume 1

Freshman Keiichi Morisato is not having a good day; he oversleeps, his bike won’t start, the other members of the Auto Club take advantage of his helpful nature, leaving him behind to clean…

• 10th April 2007
Anime Review

Only Yesterday

The description ‘slice of life’ is one that often polarises opinion. For some, it is a cure for insomnia; for others, it sums up the more true-to-life approach to film making that has a charm of its…

• 7th April 2007
Anime Review

Panda Z Volume 2

Pan-Taron is in the driving seat again as the pilot of the Panda Z, the awe-inspiring mecha that protects his friends from Skull Panda and the Warunimal Empire.

Okay, the Panda Z isn’t quite as awe-inspiring…

• 6th April 2007
Anime Review

Saiyuki: Reload Volume 1

Loud, noisy and obnoxious… enter the crazy world of Saiyuki Reload. Even the rocking theme tune could not prepare me for what was to follow: sunglass wearing monks, foolish assassins and incompetent…

• 5th April 2007
Anime Review

Tenjho Tenge Volume 3

The showdown in the bowling alley comes to a dramatic conclusion while Maya begins to recount her early days at the school with Team Katana and its leader (incidently, her brother) Shin Natsume.…

• 4th April 2007
Anime Review

Eureka Seven Volume 3

After a rather slow start Eureka Seven is quickly becoming one of my favourite UK DVD releases of the year. The storyline is well and truly in full swing in its third volume so those of us who gave it…

• 3rd April 2007
Anime Review

IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix Volume 3

IGPX is the international sport of Immortal Grand Prix, a combination of racing and in-race battles popular in the lavish future societies of this anime by the same name.

The rules are as such: …

• 1st April 2007
Anime Review

Tokko Volume 1

The opening of Tokko’s first volume begins with images of the mundane and the supernatural being interwoven, culminating in the presence of a bloody and rampaging demon walking the streets during…

• 31st March 2007