Anime Review

Anime Review

GANTZ Volume 7

Coveted along with Elfen Lied as one of the most violent and extreme anime series to appear in recent years, director Ichiro “Violence Jack” Itano’s version of GANTZ has turned…

• 1st December 2006
Anime Review

Elfen Lied Volume 4

Smashing into the UK with a frightening reputation for extreme physical and psychological violence, Elfen Lied never fails to live up to its name and ends just as controversially as it began. …

• 30th November 2006
Anime Review

Elfen Lied Volume 3

Again Elfen Lied denies it’s pretty style and delivers a trio of episodes that are anything but. Subverting the look of its cute characters, it clearly delights in extreme mental and physical…

• 29th November 2006
Anime Review

Samurai 7 Volume 4

The seven samurai are gathered and the fortifications are in place, but for the people of Kanna village, the conflict is only beginning. The bandits have finally arrived in overwhelming numbers,…

• 29th November 2006
Anime Review

Eureka Seven Volume 1

Aside the fact that new mecha series have been few and far between lately, Eureka Seven can raise viewer expectations to levels that threaten serious disappointment. The credits for instance…

• 28th November 2006
Anime Review

Texhnolyze Volume 5

Having travelled up from their underground city at the centre of the world, Ichise and the Doc look upon Earth’s surface world for the very first time – this episode is called “Heaven…

• 28th November 2006
Anime Review

Heat Guy J Volume 3

I’d normally kick off a review by giving a brief overview of the plot and where the story’s headed but for this DVD I’m not going to bother. Manga Entertainment have crammed …

• 20th November 2006
Anime Review

Full Metal Alchemist Volume 8

You know something’s good when you come back to it after a bit of a break, and find that it’s every bit as enjoyable as when you left it. Fullmetal Alchemist is one of those series. Although…

• 9th November 2006
Anime Review

Otogi Zoshi Volume 2

Still posing as her brother, Hikaru continues her quest to retrieve the last two Magatama and bring them to the capital. With an ever-increasing group of allies by her side, Hikaru puts her all …

• 9th November 2006
Anime Review

Madlax Volume 3

There’s something about Madlax that I can’t quite put my finger on. All the elements for a good action-drama seem to be there; an intricate plot full of twists, a cast of sexy characters…

• 31st October 2006
Anime Review

Burst Angel Volume 5

Last volume, my optimistic prediction for Burst Angel was that the series had already hit its lowest point, and that the next few episodes would show a distinct improvement. Unfortunately, the…

• 13th October 2006
Anime Review

Saiyuki: Requiem

Sanzo, Goku, Gojyo and Hakkai are a quartet of demon hunters on a journey to the west. Unfortunately, when their schedule is thrown off by a particularly enthusiastic demon attack, they are left…

• 3rd October 2006
Anime Review

D.N.Angel Volume 7

Having chosen to stay behind in the world of the Second Hand of Time, Daisuke remains separated from Dark, but now the time has come for the Phantom Thief to obtain the legendary Wedge of Time and …

• 22nd September 2006