D.N.Angel Volume 6
Mio may be gone, but Daisuke’s troubles are proven to be far from over after Satoshi’s father arranges for him to fall under the spell of a mysterious artefact known as the Second Hand…
Mio may be gone, but Daisuke’s troubles are proven to be far from over after Satoshi’s father arranges for him to fall under the spell of a mysterious artefact known as the Second Hand…
After the lacklustre and frankly dull Robotech Masters arc I didn’t approach The New Generation with much enthusiasm. Fortunately the character development, storyline and artwork …
With the last volume of Stand Alone Complex setting a high standard by throwing some much needed character exploration into the mix, it remained to be seen whether the subsequent instalments …
The first volume of Tetsujin 28 was a pleasant surprise, and I found a lot to like with its mix of retro-styled mecha action and penchant for the dramatic. It’s fair to say I had high expectations…
A dark and experimental OAV that makes use of sophisticated CGI to tell a futuristic and nightmarish fairytale, Malice@Doll is something of a “sleeper’ title that seems to have …
Following the gruelling training and all the other trouble they’ve had to put up with from the Student Council, the members of the Juuken Club decide to unwind at the local bowling alley.…
Still staggering his way through Trigun’s dangerous Old West, it’s now got the point where merely Vash’s fleeting presence is enough to level an entire town. Unable to hide…
When a series as good as Planetes finally ends, it’s hard to know what to say – from start to finish, it was consistently worth watching. It had no flaws, no blips in animation, no random…
If you have a human heart, it will break during the first episode of Gantz #6. The end of the Buddhist Temple arc is neither fair nor happy – a dismembered, bleeding Kurono is forced is sit and…
I think I came into Gilgamesh with my expectations tweaked a little too high. After spending days gazing in awe at the moody DVD cover art, I suppose I was expecting something a little more”¦…
It’s taken a little under four years to get here, but Naruto has finally reached our funny little island. At its pre-release peak, hundreds of thousands of hungry fans were downloading this show…
Over the course of its first season, Stand Alone Complex proved that it was adept with intrigue and involved storylines, but often to the detriment of any extensive character development. So …
Imagine, if you will, a big old box of fireworks. There are all kinds of fireworks in this box, with some that are bright and colourful, some that go off with a really big bang, and others with complex…
It occurred to me recently that it’s been entirely too long since we’ve had a good anime dogfight. We get countless titles featuring giant robots, magical girls, samurai and bread,…
Over the course of the last couple of volumes, Burst Angel had proved itself to be more enjoyable than its average opening episodes had suggested. Unfortunately, as we move into the second half…
Even in a time where we get the newest and hottest titles almost straight from Japan, it’s nice to see companies releasing older classics along with the young guns. So seeing Twin Signal …
Jinto and Lafiel leave the Gosroth as they head for a remote outpost presided over by the Abh Baron Febdash to send news ahead of the United Human Force’s intentions. Meanwhile the Gosroth…
Winter has come to Hokkaido, and with it, the effects of the ongoing war are felt more keenly than ever. Chise is continuing to grow as a weapon, but with her powers barely under control, the slightest…
As the fates collide and the umpteenth school uniform gets ruined, Hakufu finds herself cursed by Totaku’s earlier attack while the other players make their final moves. She decides to…
What do a crazed priest, duelling graffiti artists, an overzealous teacher and a mysterious blind singer with inhuman fighting abilities all have in common? They’re just some of the people…