Book Review
Book Review
Days with My Stepsister Volume 3 Review
Summer vacation arrives in the world of Days with My Stepsister, but instead of relaxing like other students, Yuuta and Saki instead devote the break to working their part-time jobs. When Yuuta realises Saki is starting to crack under the pressure, will he break his vow not to interfere and help her?
Book Review
Konosuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World! Fantastic Days Review
In this new Konosuba spin-off novel, Kazuma and the gang find themselves knee-deep in debt when Megumin accidentally blows up tribute meant for Axel's nobility. Still, things take a turn for the better when Kazuma decides to work as a producer for dance group, the Axel Hearts, who he hopes will rise to fame and fortune under his guidance...