Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect Blue and Cowboy Bebop

Today, Anime Limited announced on their official website that two of their upcoming titles have unfortunately had to have their release dates pushed back to 2nd December, 2013 due to manufacturing issues, with the packaging printed by the replicators being too big.

The first affected title is the Blu-ray/DVD combo-pack of the late Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue anime movie, which was already delayed previously. The DVD version is currently available.

The second affected title is the DVD Complete Collection of Shinichiro Watanabe’s classic Cowboy Bebop, which was initially delayed due to Anime Limited scrapping their original plan to release the series over 4 DVD discs to ensure a much better picture quality. Cowboy Bebop is currently available on Blu-ray in two individual parts.


Josh A. Stevens

Reviewing anime by moonlight, working in film by daylight, never running out of things to write, he is the one named Josh A. Stevens.

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