Book Review
Final Fantasy VII: Remake – Traces of Two Pasts Review
Traces of Two Pasts does exactly what it says on the tin (or book cover I guess) and gives us a look into the backstory of Tifa and Aerith, plus a bonus story at the end, all written by FFVII scenario writer himself (amongst so many other things!) Kazushige Nojima. Is it really juicy information that will have a big effect on the up-coming FFVII: Rebirth game? No, not at all, but that doesn’t mean it can't still be a good read.
Anime Review
Samurai 7 – Complete Series Review
Samurai 7 retells the extremely influential Akira Kurosawa film Seven Samurai but changes the setting from Japan’s past to a weird mix of science fiction, steampunk and Japanese culture to create something entirely different - well, apart from the 'small village hiring seven samurai to protect it from bandits' part anyway. Does it work, though?
Film Review
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Review
Dragon Ball’s latest cinematic outing is somewhat divisive due to its use of CG animation (and it’s use of the word “Super” twice in a row in its title… just me?) though what has at least got people to stand up and take notice in a positive way is an almost complete lack of Goku and Vegeta, instead focusing on the some of the other, long-neglected cast. Does the trade off work?
Film Review
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Review
Coming to UK cinemas this week is Jujutsu Kaisen 0, a rare Shonen Jump! movie that is actually canon to the anime its based on, and in this case is actually based on an earlier version of the original manga so it acts as a prequel to the core series, with a familiar supporting cast and antagonist but a whole new protagonist at its heart…