Now the Summer 2022 Season is well underway, what series have caught the attention of the Anime UK News writers? Is this season as strong as Spring 2022?
Has this been the strongest season for new anime in a long time? The Anime UK News writers look back at their favourite Spring 2022 series and recommend their favourites!
With his debut feature "Summer Ghost" being featured as part of the BFI's recent anime season, we sat down with the debut illustrator-turned-director loundraw, who founded his own anime studio at the age of 24!
It’s the new season – but it’s mostly on Crunchyroll! What new anime have impressed us so far? Find out – and let us know if you agree with our choices…
The Winter 2022 season is over – and we’ve watched a lot of anime at Anime UK News! But which shows impressed us all the way through to the final episodes?
Manga and light novel sales have never been better in 2021! Here are the Anime UK News writers’ top picks from the last twelve months. Why not share your favourites with us as well…
Has 2021 been a better year than 2020 in terms of the anime-viewing experience? Discover the top choices from the writers at Anime UK News as they look back over the past twelve months...and look forward to 2022!
With this year's Scotland Loves Anime now over, AUKN writers take a look at the films that were in competition and vying for the festival's judge's and audience awards.
The Autumn Season 2021 has a bewildering number of new titles to choose from – but which ones have the writers at Anime UK News chosen as their favourites?
The Summer Season 2021 is over – but how did the new series turn out? Did they live up to their initial promise – or disappoint? The writers at Anime UK News look back at their favourites from the Summer Preview…