Manga and light novel sales have never been better in 2021! Here are the Anime UK News writers’ top picks from the last twelve months. Why not share your favourites with us as well…
Has 2021 been a better year than 2020 in terms of the anime-viewing experience? Discover the top choices from the writers at Anime UK News as they look back over the past twelve months...and look forward to 2022!
With this year's Scotland Loves Anime now over, AUKN writers take a look at the films that were in competition and vying for the festival's judge's and audience awards.
The Autumn Season 2021 has a bewildering number of new titles to choose from – but which ones have the writers at Anime UK News chosen as their favourites?
The Summer Season 2021 is over – but how did the new series turn out? Did they live up to their initial promise – or disappoint? The writers at Anime UK News look back at their favourites from the Summer Preview…
The Summer Season 2021 is over so the writers at Anime UK News are here to share their thoughts about some of the returning/continuing series. But... have we picked the ‘right’ ones?
It’s Summer 2021, the 2020 Olympics are on – but are any of the new season’s anime titles worth watching? The writers at Anime UK News are here with some suggestions…
What have been the stand-out returning/ongoing series in 2021's Spring Season? There's been something for everyone: shonen, shojo and kaiju versus mecha! Read more about our writers' favourites...
Spring Season 2021 is over! Some new shows were great, others not so much - but it's the titles that really resonated with our writers that they're here to tell you about today!
Spring 2021 has brought a wealth of new series to watch as well as the return of several favourites. Which shows are worth watching? The writers at Anime UK News have plenty of recommendations to get you started!
What anime series were we watching in 2011? The writers at Anime UK News turn the clock back to unearth some of their favourites - but have they all stood the test of time?
The writers at Anime UK News have been taking a look at the new titles streaming in Winter 2021! Here are some of the anime series that have caught their attention...
What anime have we enjoyed watching this autumn at Anime UK News? We take a look back at the series that impressed us in the final months of a difficult year...
2020 has been a year like no other – but anime has provided a great source of diversion and entertainment. So…what were the best titles of 2020? Read on…
We've had more time to read in 2020 - so what were the Best Reads in manga and light novels? The Anime UK News team are here to recommend their favourite titles!
Autumn 2020 has brought a wealth of new anime titles to our screens - but which ones are worth watching? The Anime UK News writers share their first impressions...