Japanese variety show Oha Suta has broadcast the first teaser trailer for the tentatively titled Pokémon The Movie 2018. Seemingly continuing the story of I Choose You, the film opens in Japanese cinemas next July.
The 45th Annie Award nominations have been revealed! In This Corner of the World, Napping Princess and Mary and the Witch's Flower all receive nods in the Los Angeles-based awards ceremony.
Altitude Films have released the first English dubbed trailer for Studio Ponoc's debut film, Hiromasa Yonebayashi's magical "Mary and the Witch's Flower" - starring Ruby Barnhill, Kate Winslet and Jim Broadbent!
Don’t fret if you missed Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! in cinemas last month, because the franchise’s 20th anniversary spectacular is heading to the small screen next week, …