Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us is headed to selected cinemas in the United Kingdom later this year, The Pokémon Company International and Fathom Events confirm!
The latest English dub titles for the Summer 2018 season on HIDIVE now have launch dates! Plus the classic series Armored Trooper Votoms will also be streaming soon!
With Mamoru Hosoda's "Mirai" opening in UK cinemas this November, Anime Limited have confirmed that tickets are now on sale - with an extra day allocated to a newly announced English dub!
pQube Games unveils the quirkiest extra for a game's Limited Edition yet - a full size, rubber pigeon mask for the Rice Digital exclusive "Punch Line Cheermancy Edition", headed to PS4 and Vita this Summer!
Pokémon the Movie: Everyone's Story has just opened in Japan today and keeping with franchise tradition, it includes a tease for next year's anime movie - featuring a long-time fan favourite!