Book Review
Goodbye Otherworld, See You Tomorrow Volume 2 Review
In Volume 2 of Goodbye Otherworld, See You Tomorrow Keisuke and Nito find themselves staying at a temple where they meet others living in the area. These meetings will set them down an emotional path as they explore the connections between everyone and, in some cases, hope to restore severed relationships.
Film Review
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Review
Coming to UK cinemas this week is Jujutsu Kaisen 0, a rare Shonen Jump! movie that is actually canon to the anime its based on, and in this case is actually based on an earlier version of the original manga so it acts as a prequel to the core series, with a familiar supporting cast and antagonist but a whole new protagonist at its heart…
Anime Review
The “Hentai” Prince and the Stony Cat. Complete Collection Review
In this dumb-but-fun harem rom-com, Yoto Yokodera and Tsukiko Tsutsukakushi both make wishes on a stone cat statue, but when they are fulfilled, they realise they’ve swapped personality traits with someone else! The two resolve to track these people down and work out how to swap back. However a mischievous cat god and the feelings of the other girls that gather around Yoto are set to get in the way!